Welcome to Layovers and Luggage!

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Welcome to Luggage and Layovers!

Growing up, some of my favorite family vacations were to Denver, Colorado, or Clearwater Beach, Florida. I really got the travel bug when I studied abroad in Lyon, France and had the opportunity to travel around France and Italy for the summer - I was hooked.

I always say that my fantasy is to travel the world on a private jet with all my friends. However, a full time corporate job gets in the way of that dream. But I’m not complaining - I love my job! It’s a great way to pay for those vacations, and gives me time in between to day dream about my next destination.

I love putting together a trip like a puzzle: piecing together the constraints of time, cost, available accommodations and vision. I always trying to cram too much in, but still manage to leave space to wander a new place, talk to local shop owners, or track down a recommended coffee/sandwich/cafe from friends. I’m a sucker for a good view and I’ve never met a sunset I don’t like.

Whether you’re looking for travel inspiration, itinerary or outfit tips (layers are your friend) for your next destination, or ideas on where to find a great photo backdrops or spend time sipping a coffee and people watching, you’ve come to the right place.

I am always day dreaming about my next trip, researching itineraries and looking for travel ideas. I hope to serve as a resource as you plan your future vacation, or a place to find some travel inspiration for your dream destination.


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